On Thursday we enjoyed a quite and relaxing Thanksgiving with our friends. I made the Turkey, stuffing and a pumpkin ginger tart. While the turkey cooked I went through my Christmas decorations to see what I had and made a list of what I needed. The weather outside was frightful so the girls played games and watched movies. (Can you tell I've been listening to Christmas music?) It was my second best Thanksgiving ever!
Friday I had to work but luckily got off early and spent the afternoon with my hubby and kids then did some late night shopping with my bestie at the thrift store and Ross. I found sweaters, books and a few other fun things at the thrift store but walked out of Ross with nothing! I'm not sure I had ever walked out of Ross without at least one thing, I felt a little sad.
My plan for Saturday was to quickly run to Olympia so I could get home and have plenty of time to work on the list of projects I was hoping to accomplish. The best laid plans, right? We started with Target, I was going to quickly run in and grab an Elf on the Shelf, an hour and half later we finally got back to the car. By that time Joann's was a nightmare! The parking lot was completely full, our first sign that we should have just skipped it. Once we finally found someone leaving and got parked we went inside, where there was a line down one entire side of the store, our second sign! We knew there was going to be a huge wait for fabric so we went straight there and got our number 004, they were on number 68, our third sign! It was so crowded and so loud, people were being so rude, my brain just shut down. I couldn't think and even with a list in front of me I couldn't get to what I needed. After half an hour we set our stuff down in the middle of the isle and got the hell outta there! The only other place on our list was Costco, except I really needed the stuff at Joann's cause it isn't stuff I can get at home. So, lets run to Michael's real quick and while we are on that side of town we can pick up some gyros for our hubbies. I did get everything on my list except fabric but the restaurant we wanted to go to was closed for the holiday weekend! By the time we got through Costco it was 2 which means I wouldn't be home till about 3:30, so much for projects. I was feeling rather down and defeated. The ride home was quite, we listened to Christmas music and I tried to cheer up. We were almost home when I spotted something small and very scared looking on the side of a busy back road. I pulled over and found this adorable, cold, scared little puppy. I wrapped him in a blanket and brought him home.
This is Major, our new puppy!
That night Bailey lost her other front tooth, as soon as it came out she asked to hear the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth", she's been singing it ever since.
The mom in me loves this picture, but the wanna-be photographer in me, not so much. That me likes this picture...
...unfortunately, this was like the 22nd picture and she was not happy with me! Can you tell?
Sunday was by far the best day of the weekend. We finally received our magical elf from the North Pole! I knew that Katelyn would want to know why we were just now getting him so I wrote this letter and addressed it from Mrs. Clause and the elves.
My Dearest Katelyn & Bailey,
I am so proud of how wonderful you two have been behaving this year. I know
it’s not easy to be young but you’re mom and dad love you very VERY much and
even though they lose their cool from time to time they will ALWAYS love you,
ALWAYS be there for you and ALWAYS keep you safe. You are amazing little
girls and you’ll do amazing things! Just remember to be thankful for what you have, to
be kind to others and to always wear a smile.
girls and you’ll do amazing things! Just remember to be thankful for what you have, to
be kind to others and to always wear a smile.
I’m not sure if you know this or not but millions of babies are born each year
and each year Santa finds it harder to keep track of them all. Over the past century
the elves and I have been hard at work developing and testing a new magical toy to
help Santa keep track of who’s been naughty and who’s been nice.
In the late 1950’s we were ready to put our toy to the test. Each year we
randomly select a few hundred homes all around the world and send them each a
magical elf that will keep track of the children during the day and report back to Santa
each night. We have had amazing success with our little elf buddies and this year your
home as been selected to receive your very own magical elf! There is only one rule you
need but follow.
You must NEVER touch him!
You must NEVER touch him!
For if you touch him his magic will be lost forever! We aren’t really sure why,
it boggles our minds, but moms and dads only can touch him you see. We have decided
it must be that when one becomes a mom or a dad they receive a small dose of magic
from the joy their new baby has brought to their lives.
You will need to decide on a name for your elf, something fun and quirky will suite
him just fine. He was super excited to meet you and to check out his new home.
him just fine. He was super excited to meet you and to check out his new home.
If he escaped he wouldn’t have gone far, keep your eyes peeled for a little red suite and
bright blue eyes! We hope you enjoy the book we have a sent, a new story to tell from one
year to the next.
Warm hugs and wishes,
Mrs. Clause and the Elves
P.S. These little guys can be rather mischievous and knowing your mom she’ll be upset about
his messes. Help her clean up or she’ll yell at me for certain! ‘A toy that makes messes what
were you thinking?!’ I can just hear her now!
The scene was set with a box full of red, white and green tissue paper made to look like the elf had escaped. The book stuck out the top and the letter was in an envelope addressed in red glitter.
Katie read the letter and the book, then we watched the cartoon that had been on abc a few nights earlier. As soon as the show was over the girls looked at me and were like, "so there is an elf here somewhere?!" "I think there is, can you find him?" "There he is!!"
After several very silly suggestions they both finally agreed to name him Flynn Rider.
The rest of the day was spent decorating, cooking, doing laundry and enjoying my family. I had hoped to show off my creations but was unable to complete any one area. Instead I have a little sneak peek of what I've been up to...
Can't wait to share the 'big picture' with you!
Take Care,
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