While decorating my garden window a few weeks ago my little mini me (Katie) asked if she could help me. I really wanted to say yes, except that I get so lost in that stuff that I don't really like to talk while I do it. I have a hard enough time remembering to take pictures so I can blog about it, I didn't need another distraction. I could tell she was disappointed so I asked her if she would like to decorate something else. That got her excited! I gave her (almost) free reign of my design stock and told her she could decorate the sofa table. She did a really great job, coming up with three overall designs...
Each time she took it down she took a little longer to redecorate it, thinking and switching things in and out, just like I do. She was busy for a good hour! I always love when we find something that keeps their attention for more than 15 min!! With any luck I will be able to live both my big dreams vicariously through my children! Katie will be an interior designer and Bailey a dancer! Don't get me wrong I will let my children do pretty much whatever they want when they get older, but does it hurt to try and steer them while their young?! Next Christmas I'm giving Katie a doll house with changeable furniture and decorations! I just love how my mind works sometimes! :o) Bailey will be a little more difficult as we live in a small town and the dance classes around here are a joke, but since I've been wanting to work out I can start playing just dance with her in the evenings, in a couple years she'll at least have rhythm and if she wants I could start driving her to Olympia a few days a week for dance classes. See, I'm not forcing, just steering :o)
Thanks for stopping by to see me!
Very cool. The design star did great, and a little nudge is never a bad thing!