Inspired by a blog post at widkidsblog I came up with this chore/behavior chart for my kids as well as the kids my husband watches after school. They can earn ten cents by following three simple rules...
1. obeying the first time
2. being polite
3. not whining
each time they don't follow one of these rules they lose ten cents. I also added a few chores they can choose to do to earn a little more. Their goal is to earn money for the ice cream man this summer.
I began with a $3 drawer from the habitat for humanity store, taking off the drawer handle and front. A little flat paint, some jars (thank you Cede), a strip of poster board, clothes pins and rubber stamps was all it took. For the most part it has been very well received by the kids; there was some questions as to who's jar should be first in line (seriously, the things that trouble children amaze me) but once they started losing dimes for whining it was over rather quickly. Katie also decided she "hates that stupid thing" when she lost a dime for getting an attitude (not polite). Once she calmed down she came out of her room, grabbed a wash rag and wiped down all the base boards to earn her dime back; win!
I have another drawer that I purchased at the same time and am trying to come up an idea for it to go above this one. So far I'm thinking calendar or some sort of art, what do you think I should do?
I have another drawer that I purchased at the same time and am trying to come up an idea for it to go above this one. So far I'm thinking calendar or some sort of art, what do you think I should do?
Check out these other great creations at let birds fly!
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