Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Idea + Decorating the Garden Window

As I unhappily did the dishes earlier today I had a conversation with myself, it went something like this...
“Maybe I wouldn’t mind this annoying ass chore as much if I decorated my garden window.” “Perhaps, but you don’t have time for that, it’s 2pm on Saturday and aside from grocery shopping and cleaning out the fridge you haven’t crossed a single thing off your to-do list!!”  “Okay, but this would at least give me something to blog about, except now that I’m looking at it I would need to go shopping to make it what I really want and that means...but wait!  I could make it like a two part blog post; today I blog about what my window looks like right now, then I’ll go ‘shopping’ around the house and show what I can do without spending a dime!  Then I can make a list of things I want to find and make to improve it and when I’ve completed it I’ll have a whole new post!”
Then it dawned on me that most women have three complaints when it comes to decorating:

1.  They aren’t creative
2.  They don't have time
3.  They don’t have the money
My hope when starting this blog was to inspire creativity, now I realize that it can be so much more.  Not only can I inspire but I can show how I do it for very little money and on a working mom schedule.
And so I present to you, my garden window...

Please ignore the bird poop, it's too damn cold to go outside and wash the windows right now.

Note to self: get a roll of packing tape to keep in the kitchen 
so boxes for play kitchen can be taped up and taken upstairs right away.

This little flower was my inspiration to want this window to complement its beauty.

This is what I was able to do with things from around the house...

I'm really pretty proud of it and once I bring the rest of my vision to reality it will be amazing!

The wire rocking chair, milk jug looking piece and pitcher I found at the thrift store, I only paid about $3.00 for all three!  The lantern I found at Michael's on sale for like 75% off, I don't remember the original price but I only paid $2 dollars, so I bought two.  The paper whites (flowers) my mom gave to me for my Birthday, I planted them in a set of jars that I found at Ross a while ago.   I filled the jars with some rocks from Dollar Tree and planted the bulbs, they are so beautiful!  

The large mason jar holds some sand from the beaches here + a few treasures I have found on my journeys through Washington.  The birdhouse is one of the $1 ones from Jo-ann's that my daughter painted and the pitcher was another thrift store find, only paid $0.25!  Love half off days!

The large pitcher in the back in an antique of my moms that I just LOVE!  The two smaller ones are more fantastic thrift store finds and the lettuce puppy my daughter got for me a few years ago for one of those gift giving holidays.

This is blooming from my cactus, love my cactus!

Believe it or not all I need now is a pallet and some plants to bring my vision full circle.  

I am so excited to show you, I hope you'll back to check it out!


  1. The window turned out great. I love all the little bits and pieces that bring it all together and the flowers are beautiful. It's amazing what you can do with stuff you already have and a few thrift store finds. Can't wait to see the finished project - a pallet sounds like a strange addition.

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  5. Hi, Nic! I burst in laughter when you mentioned about the bird poop. I’m glad that you found time to decorate your garden window despite your busy schedule. But I wish you can find some time to check it regularly to avoid the damage that may occur due to dirt and weather, and yes, bird droppings.

    Marla Hinds

  6. A garden window is a perfect place for plants because of the light coming in. I actually had it installed because I want a mini greenhouse. But I had no time then; now that inspiration came, my window is sporting wonderful potted plants with some cute figurines of bunnies and stones just like yours.

    Ashlee Starns
