Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Birdhouse Village

To go along with my Natural Thrifty Handmade theme I created a birdhouse village for my mantel.  

The idea came to me as I was taking down my fall decor.  In a never ending quest to entertain my girls I had a few little birdhouses that I had purchased for them to paint.  They're super cute but were too bright for the cozy feel I was going for, so I packed them away.  Having always had a love/hate thing for Christmas villages I thought how cute, unexpected, inexpensive and interchangeable would a birdhouse village be?!   

I started with five of those little $1 birdhouses from Joann's; painted them all copper and used a flocking medium I found at Michael's for the rooftops.  Then I drilled a hole in the back of each so they would light up.  A few little woodland creatures spray painted white, some candle holders to give height and of course, cedar garland.  The whole thing cost less then $20, including the paint and flocking medium.

I hope you like it and will be inspired to create your own little village.

For more amazing mantel creations head on over to Southern Hospitality for the merry mantel link party.

You'll also love all the wonderful ideas at Kim's Wow Party!


  1. I love this mantel display. Has such a nice rustic holiday appeal. Love to have you at my Wow party.

  2. Thanks Kim! I would love to join your party!

  3. Very pretty and I love the birdhouse village.

  4. Your mantel is so pretty with the rustic woodland them and what fun to make the bird houses to your own look. Thanks for sharing how you painted and lighted them.

  5. What a great idea for a christmas village. The mantel is very elegant. Nicely done.
